Manufacture of Stud Link Chain Cable made of Grade U1 and U2 Steel
link chain cable, grade U1 and U2 steel
We have analyzed the fabrication technology of the link chain cable made of grade U1 and U2 steel from TREFO S.A. Galati and we had in view during the experiments several rolling programs. The main characteristics of a product quality, material or working process can be classified into the following groups: technological and contractual. Further on, we are going to present data regarding the link chain cable where samples were drawn, micro metallographic analysis referring to grade U1 and U2 steel and the characteristic obtained on the same areas where the metallographic analysis were made.
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How to Cite
DRAGAN V, BORDEI M, CHIS CM. Manufacture of Stud Link Chain Cable made of Grade U1 and U2 Steel. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2007 [cited 19Feb.2025];30(2):138-41. Available from: