Contribution of Heat and ThermoChemical Treatments to the Improvement of the Performances of High-Speed Steel Tools

  • Nicoleta TORODOC Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
  • Ioan GIACOMELLI Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Keywords: cyanurated layer, electrically activated salts


The In this paper the influence of non-conventional heat and thermo chemical treatments upon the structure of tool steels and implicitly, upon the performances that are derived from applying such treatments, is presented. Reference is made to the conditions in which the heat and thermo chemical treatments in vacuum and in electrolyte baths are carried out. The advantages of these procedures are evidenced both from a technical as well as an economic standpoint.
The experiments have been carried out on Rp3 and Rp5 steels, with application of vacuum at the final heat treatments.

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How to Cite
TORODOC N, GIACOMELLI I. Contribution of Heat and ThermoChemical Treatments to the Improvement of the Performances of High-Speed Steel Tools. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15May2007 [cited 22Feb.2025];30(1):14-6. Available from: