Protective and Decorative Vacuum’s Coatings on Wares of Artistic Castings

  • V. GRECHANYUK Kiev National University of Building and Architectures, Ukraine
  • I. GRECHANYUK Kiev National University of Building and Architecture, Ukraine
  • N. GRECHANYUK Kiev National University of Building and Architecture, Ukraine
Keywords: vacuum coatings deposition, electron-beam melting


The problem of environmental protection is extraordinarily important, and its actuality will increase with every year. In this aspect, processes of depositing of coatings in vacuum have got serious advantages before wide-spread galvanic method, as the last requires building of the special cleansing building, which cost in general balance of covering’s process can arrive till 60 %. It should be noted that preliminary preparation of surface which, as is generally known, has the important value at the method of metallization in vacuum often execute by the smoldering discharge (by the «dry method»).

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How to Cite
GRECHANYUK V, GRECHANYUK I, GRECHANYUK N. Protective and Decorative Vacuum’s Coatings on Wares of Artistic Castings. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2006 [cited 14Mar.2025];29(2):35-9. Available from: