Thin Metallic Superficial Layers With Special Properties Deposed on Steels by Electric Discharge in Impulse
thin layer, electric discharge, impulse, properties
The surface engineering, as interdisciplinary technical science is a relative new concept which appeared in high developed countries as a result of the processing of the metallic materials with distinct properties and as a result of spectacular development of the thermal treatments.
The obtaining of the thin layers by electric spark presents some advantages as: high adherence of the layers, permits deposition of all materials which have electrical conductivity, but there are some disadvantages as: residual stress in layer and large roughness.
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How to Cite
TANASUCA S, ALEXANDRU I, STRUGARU SI, ALEXANDRU A. Thin Metallic Superficial Layers With Special Properties Deposed on Steels by Electric Discharge in Impulse. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15May2006 [cited 10Mar.2025];29(1):85-8. Available from: