Laser Surface Hardening of 51CrV4 Steel
laser hardening, steel, tempering, microstructure, microhardness
The work presents the surface changes in microstructure and properties by quenching the 51CrV4 steel from liquid and solid phase, using a CO2 continue laser wave with 900W power. In order to determine the hardening conditions, processing parameters on the geometry of the hardened layer and surface hardness were analyzed. Microhardness profile of heat affected zone was traced and correlated with structural changes. The effect of subsequent tempering was investigated.
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[9]. LEVCOVICI S.M., LEVCOVICI D.T., The Influence of Refrigeration on the High-Speed Steel Hardened by Laser Processing, Proceedings of the ASM International Conference on Quenching and Control of Distortion, 1999, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 527-529.
How to Cite
LEVCOVICI SM, LEVCOVICI DT. Laser Surface Hardening of 51CrV4 Steel. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Nov.2005 [cited 7Mar.2025];28(2):5-0. Available from: