Archaeometallurgy and its Importance in the Research of the Preroman Dacia Military Equipment in the 1st B.C. – 1 st A.C. Centuries

  • Ovidiu Vasile UDRESCU University of Piteşti, Romania
Keywords: Dacian armament, archaeometallurgy, characterization of materials


Although it appeared in Romania 50 years ago, archaeometallurgy is still treated as a new discipline, despite the fact that it was understood from the beginning that this science, by its methods and by the correct interpretation of the results obtained as a result of modern techniques of characterization of materials generally leads to the obtaining of data that are particularly important for understanding the past. The present study aims to investigate the evolution and the stage in which this field is in terms of modern techniques of characterization of the materials applied to the military equipment of the classical Geto-Dacian period.

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How to Cite
UDRESCU OV. Archaeometallurgy and its Importance in the Research of the Preroman Dacia Military Equipment in the 1st B.C. – 1 st A.C. Centuries. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Mar.2020 [cited 23Feb.2025];43(1):5-4. Available from: