The Role of Formal Education in Developing Critical Thinking Skills of Engineering Students

  • Andreea Cristina BLÎNDU Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
Keywords: critical thinking, gender, cumulative grade point average, life fulfilment


The hereby paper intends to acknowledge and discuss the concept of critical thinking and the influence of this ability on engineering students. The purpose of this research is to establish the criteria according to which some students think more critically compared to other students in the same field of study. Logic is a term that seems simple, although very few know how to access that logical part of the human brain. This research has shown that the students’ level of critical thinking is not related to the year of study. Therefore, there are no activities in faculties that have a significant influence on the development of critical thinking. Moreover, it has resulted that female participants think more critically than men participants, but on an insignificant level. Regarding satisfaction in life and its link to critical thinking, it has resulted that unfulfilled students obtained a level of critical thinking higher than the fulfilled ones, a difference that is not of significant relevance. The results of this research are based on two methods: online questioning and focus group.

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How to Cite
BLÎNDU AC. The Role of Formal Education in Developing Critical Thinking Skills of Engineering Students. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2020 [cited 14Mar.2025];43(2):24-8. Available from: