On the Corrosion of Two Types of Bronzes Under Cavitation

  • Cristian Ștefan DUMITRIU Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Keywords: cavitation, bronze, mass loss, gravimetric index


This article contains the results of the experiments concerning the mass loss of two types of bronze in seawater in the cavitation produced by ultrasound generated by a high-frequency generator. The mass loss models are presented for the experimental conditions when the generator worked at different powers - 80 W, 120 W, and 180 W. In all scenarios, the results show that the bronze with Sn has the highest mass loss in the cavitation field.

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How to Cite
DUMITRIU C Ștefan. On the Corrosion of Two Types of Bronzes Under Cavitation. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Dec.2021 [cited 21Feb.2025];44(4):12-6. Available from: https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/mms/article/view/4970