An Interactive Method for Calculating the Maximum Efficiency (Organic Yield) in the Processing of the Tailing Dumps in Jiu Valley

  • Mihaela Olga MARIȚA University of Petroșani, Romania
  • Viorica CIOCAN R&D National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources - ICPMRR, Bucharest, Romania
  • Ildiko BRÎNAȘ University of Petroșani, Romania
Keywords: efficiency indicators, coal processing, interactive system, tailings dump, Fournol method


The interactive method presented in the paper, allows the calculation of maximum efficiency indicators (organic yields) of the processing and operational control of the actual processing process. It also allows the correlation of the technological parameters with the economic ones in order to properly capitalize on the products obtained by processing a material (raw coal or sterile resulted from coal preparation) containing solid fuel fractions. Using the interactive system, one can pre-determine the optimal mixture of material to be processed and have different characteristics. The interactive method consists of three C programs that allow: the selection of the mixture of solid material to be processed, by tracing the abacuses and determining the theoretical weight extractions, depending on the desired quality of the concentrates; calculation of the organic processing yields; estimating the processing results, using the Fournol method, taking into account the performance of the processing equipment used and the density of separation between the products.

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How to Cite
MARIȚA MO, CIOCAN V, BRÎNAȘ I. An Interactive Method for Calculating the Maximum Efficiency (Organic Yield) in the Processing of the Tailing Dumps in Jiu Valley. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Jun.2022 [cited 15Jan.2025];45(2):11-5. Available from: