Physico-Chemical Analysis of Drinking Water from the Town of Bârlad, Vaslui County
drinking water, physico-chemical analysis, nitrate, pH value, hardness
The quality of drinking water was investigated in two localities from Vaslui county (Bârlad and Văleni) by comparison with a sample from Galați county. A number of parameters such as pH, turbidity, conductivity, nitrates, nitrites, temporary hardness, dissolved oxygen were analysed for each water sample collected during the month of May. The obtained values of each parameter were compared with the standard values set by the local standards, Law no. 458/2002 regarding the quality of drinking water.
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[2]. Rahmanian N., Ali S. H. B., Homayoonfard M., Ali N. J., Rehan M., Sadef Y., Nizami A. S., Analysis of physiochemical parameters to evaluate the drinking water quality in the State of Perak, Malaysia, J. Chem., 716125, 2015.
[3]. Thomas Küpper, Christian Apel, Daniela Bertsch, Michael van der Giet, Simone van der Giet, Maren Graß, Carina Cerfontaine, Miriam Haunolder, Nina Hundt, Christian Kühn, Audry Morrison, Sonja Museo, Lisa Timmermann, Knut Wernitz, Julia Jӓger, Analysis of local drinking water for fecal contamination in Solu-Khumbu / Mt. Everest region, Nepal, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 246, 114043, 2022.
[4]. Poojashree B. P., Peladdy B., Kaveri H., Akkivalli P., Swathi L. A., Determination of Physio-Chemical Parameters and Water Quality Index (Wqi) of Kundapura Taluk, Udupi District, Karnataka, India, Pollutants, 2(3), p. 388-406,, 2022.
[5]. Ahmed Arafa, Ashraf Ewis, Ehab Eshak, Chronic exposure to nitrate in drinking water and the risk of bladder cancer: a metaanalysis of epidemiological evidence, Public Health, 203, p. 123-129, 2022.
[6]. Mark Elwood J., Bert van der Werf, Nitrates in drinking water and cancers of the colon and rectum: a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies, Cancer Epidemiology, 78, 102148, 2022.
[7]. Patrick S. Bäuerlein, Roberta C. H. M. Hofman-Caris, Eelco N. Pieke, Thomas L. ter Laak, Fate of microplastics in the drinking water production, Water Research, 221, 118790, 2022.
[8]. Dan-Yu Huang, Yan Wu, Yan-Jun Jiang, Min-Shan Zhang, Long Cheng, Shu-Hai He, Biao-Juan Chen, Rapid determination, pollution characteristics and risk evaluations of antibiotics in drinking water sources of Hainan, China, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 50.12, 100164, 2022.
[9]. Carmen Zaharia, Chimia mediului – teste de laborator și probleme, Editura Performantica, ISBN: 978-606-685-148-0, 2014.
[10]. Maria Cioroi, Analize chimice de ape și sol, Editura Evrika Brăila, ISBN 973-8052-49-1, 2000.
How to Cite
ISTRATE GG, PENIȘOARĂ I-N. Physico-Chemical Analysis of Drinking Water from the Town of Bârlad, Vaslui County. The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle IX, Metallurgy and Materials Science [Internet]. 15Dec.2022 [cited 25Mar.2025];45(4):57-1. Available from: