Mathematical Modeling of the CuSn12 Alloy Sintering Process
The purpose of this study is to use statistical methods, namely active experimental regression analysis, to forecast the size of the intergranular sintering bridge by mathematically modeling the sintering process as it is applied to the CuSn12 alloy powder. A first-order linear design method was used to characterize the correlation between the intergranular sintering bridge and the sintering parameters (temperature and sintering time). Using the free casting of the powder into graphite shapes, nine experiments were scheduled. Following sintering, the intergranular sintering bridge was evaluated metallographically using image analysis software. In order to optimize the sintering process, a regression equation has been established by mathematical modeling that predicts the size of the intergranular bridge with sintering parameters (temperature and time) with a high probability (>95%), within the experimental limits.
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