Design and Manufacturing of a Custom Guitar Amplifier: Optimizing Materials for Acoustic Performance and Durability
The project sought to design a guitar amplifier that would easily integrate into the decor of an apartment, imitating a piece of furniture. The design aims to create an aesthetic appearance that fits harmoniously in different types of homes, eliminating the need to bend down to adjust volume, tone, etc. The amplifier was built from a wooden case, with an accessory storage system in a lower drawer, and the functionality was achieved by integrating an Arduino board and a PCB circuit to implement the audio effects. The study details the stages of designing the amplifier prototype, including making the printed circuit board and processing the audio signal in four distinct stages: analogue signal amplification, digital
processing by Arduino, signal output stage, and power supply. The project also includes the careful design of the amplifier components, using quality materials such as spruce panel to ensure superior acoustics. The result demonstrates the complexity and innovation in the field of musical equipment, combining aesthetic with technical aspects.
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