Based on traction tests, the authors assessed the influence of the PTFE concentration on the mechanical characteristics of blends PBT + PBT. The studied range of PTFE addition was 0...20% wt.
For these samples, the traction limit of PBT is 40.58 MPa, but for the blend PBT+10% PTFE, this characteristic increase to 46 MPa. For 15% PTFE in PBT, the traction limit was 45.59 MPa and for the blend with 20% PTFE, the average value was 42.37 MPa. The tendency of changing the traction limit is similar to that for the elastic modulus.
Adding PTFE in PBT is not beneficial for improving the mechanical characteristics, at least for the tested range of concentrations, but they have to known for designing tribological applications.
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