Mechanical Testing and Diagnosis 2024-12-03T22:59:50+02:00 Lorena Deleanu Open Journal Systems <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">ISSN-L <span style="color: windowtext; text-decoration: none; text-underline: none;">2247-9635</span> ; ISSN <span style="color: windowtext; text-decoration: none; text-underline: none;">2247-9635</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Frequency:</strong>&nbsp;quarterly</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Subjects covered:</strong> testing and diagnosis of machine elements, materials and design solutions from the mechanical point of view</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Contact:</strong>&nbsp;</p> THE INFLUENCE OF CUT-OFF WAVELENGTH FOR ROUGHNESS AND SAMPLING WAVELENGTH FOR ELIMINATING NOISE ON 3D AMPLITUDE PARAMETERS 2024-12-03T22:59:50+02:00 Lorena DELEANU Constantin GEORGESCU George Ghiocel OJOC Alexandru Viorel VASILIU George Catalin CRISTEA <p style="text-align: justify;">This paper presents arguments in the favor of selecting the&nbsp;adequate set of filters λc (cut-off wavelength for roughness) and λs (sampling wavelength for eliminating noise), in studying the 3D&nbsp;amplitude parameters, including average arithmetic deviation of the&nbsp;surface (Sa), Ssk, Sku, Sq, Sv, Sp, St. This analysis was carried out&nbsp;for a surface of 1000 µm x1000 µm, from a ball made of chrome&nbsp;steel, with a diameter of 12.7 mm ± 0.0005 mm, which, according to&nbsp;the ISO standard 683-17:2023, they are finely grinded and have a&nbsp;high hardness (62...65 HRC) and a high quality surface. The authors&nbsp;present an analysis for 3D amplitude parameters, for the same&nbsp;surface, but after applying different pair of filtering (λs, λc) and&nbsp;discussed their influence on the values of amplitude parameters. For&nbsp;Sa, standard deviation of values obtained at the same λc, but for λs=0.8-250 µm, is decreasing to a lower value only for λc = 100-250 µm, but values increase from nanometers to higher average&nbsp;value (3.59 µm for λc=900 µm). Similar tendency was noticed for&nbsp;Sq. Ssk and Sku have revealed a convergence towards the largest&nbsp;value of λc, meaning that λs has no significant influence when the&nbsp;cut-off length is almost the dimension of the investigated area, at&nbsp;least for λs=0.8-250 µm. St decreases with the increasing of λs, but&nbsp;it increases with the increases of λc. A larger λs is favorable to avoid&nbsp;recording the deepest valley. It is important to report the λc and λs&nbsp;values as they have directly impact on roughness values (as&nbsp;demonstrate here for 3D amplitrude parameters, like Sa, Sq etc.).<br>This study and the cited references evidence that different settings&nbsp;can produce different results for the same surface. Including them in&nbsp;the report ensures transparency and reproducibility.</p> 2024-01-20T00:00:00+02:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##