Litera şi spiritul legii

  • George Mitea University of Iaşi
Keywords: law, force, violence, respect of the law, morality, Gods


It must be says that not every codified formalization of the law is a priori objective. There are countless cases in which the fixation in the letter has not insured the domination of the law, but the domination of some people over the law, and even the manufacture of the legislative process, allowing thus the malpraxis of the force. If the violence is in-ex-sistant, the force of the law rules this in-ex-sistance. The respect for the law, the turning back as a mark of recognition, legislates the monster, makes it legitimate. Nota bene: the sacred monster.

When the collision takes place, when the place is disengaged, an empty space arises. This legal nudity awaits its covering. This is precisely where the new law appears from. Dike synonymous with Ethic, for the justice identifies with morality. The first resort of the Law is the ethics.
