Principiul non-contradicţiei în opera lui Aristotel – fundament al cunoaşterii

  • Bogdan Silion University “Al. I. Cuza” Iasi
Keywords: principiul noncontradicţiei (principiul contradicţiei, noncontradicţia), ştiinţă, potenţă, act, nous-act noetic, cunoaştere discursivă, cunoaştere inductivă, demonstraţie, principii prime, mişcare, substanţă, fiinţă


Analysing the logical representations of reality attentivelly, we can notice that we usually think of reality in a noncontradictory way. Our thinking prescribes the reality rules in such a measure that it is created in agreement with these rules, thus making up the habit of rationalising the sensible experience. The principle of noncontradiction represents an axiom of discursive thinking, that links the thinking, language and reality. In spite of different concepts, this ontological and metalogical principle was first theoretically used by Aristotle, who also determined the noetic way of knowing the principle. We considered that noncontradiction is a constant of the Stagir thinking, that is the basis of the theory about the being, the logics, the ontology, the psychology, the cosmology and the theology of the Greek philosopher. That’s why, to study the principle of noncontradiction means to find the key of decyphering the whole work of the little understood philosopher of Stagira.
