Reţelele memetice ascendente şi descendente ca produse evoluţioniste, rolul lor în dinamica polarizării şi a conflictului cultural şi potenţialul lor pentru creşterea toleranţei democratice
Ascendant and descendant memetic networks as evolutionary products, their role in the dinamics of polarization and cultural conflict and their potential in rising tolerance inside democratic societies
The main goal if this article is to define memetic networks as evolutionary structures that act in cultural and social space like genoms act in natural enviroments. So, memetic networks are assemblies of memes that are saved in cultural memory through various devices and that can become active in peoples` minds dependent on their natural, cultural and social enviroments. These networks are complex, emergent and adaptive, therefore they act like REAC networks, following particular dynamics and having complex interactions with various enviroments. They also have vectorial characteristics, being either ascendent or descedant. Our suggestion is that their vectorial structure is directly linked to old biological evolutionary mechanisms as endostasis and exostasis. We also imply that this understanding of memetic networks as complex tools for adaptation has the potential to lead to increased democratic tolerance and to a different approach to polarization and cultural conflict.