Simbolistica, mistica și filosofia elementelor: apă, foc, pământ, vânt, lumină, întuneric. Reflecții psihanalitice din perspectiva desenelor animate

The symbolism, mystique and philosophy of the elements: water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness. Psychoanalytic reflections from the perspective of cartoons

  • Vasile R. Todoran „1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
Keywords: Master-Legendary, water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, evolution, power, mystical, philosophy, mystagogy


This study addresses fundamental ideas about the elements water, fire, earth, wind, and in the subsidiary of these elements addresses the dual perspective of the light and dark veil from a psycho-metaphilosophical point of view. Philosophical notions are shrouded in the mystical-mystagogical aura to present a new vision of the elements. These elements harmonize perfectly in the state of Master-Legendary. This harmonization is an evolution from the depths of the ontology of the being that absorbs the elements and that gives him the status of shepherd as the keeper of the sphere of power that lives in the heart of the legendary master. The abilities, powers and talents that the being absorbs from each element produce from its very ontology powers that are inaccessible to reason to penetrate them with the mind of the one who has not acquired the state of perfect master. The state of the legendary master is in a permanent mystical-philosophical evolution in order to accumulate as much power as possible and to use it psychologically and strategically in the field of this world.
