Antropologia „deschiderii” a lui Wolfhart Pannenberg

Wolfhart Pannenberg’s Anthropology of “Openness”

  • Mihai Androne Dunarea de Jos University of Galati
Keywords: God, man, animal, openness, world, environment, philosophical anthropology


Wolhart Pannenberg is an important representative of contemporary theology, a fine connosseur of philosophy, a supporter of the dialogue between theology and science. He tried to capture the specifics of human existence by means of the phrase “openness to the world”, which in fact means “openness beyond the world”, “openness to the future”, that is to say “openness to God”. In many of his writings Wolfhart Pannenberg consistently refers to the ideas of prominent figures of last century’s philosophical anthropology, such as Max Scheler, Arnold Gehlen, Helmuth Plessner, Adolf Portmann and Martin Heidegger. Wolfhart Pannenberg’s doctrine on man is theological and philosophical at the same time.
