Individualitatea ca „rău fundamental”, în budhismul Yogācāra

Individuality as the root of evil, in Yogācāra Buddhism

  • Ovidiu Cristian Nedu „Paul Păltănea” History Museum of Galaţi
Keywords: Buddhism, Vijñnavda, Yogācāra, individuality, personhood, mind, evil


According to the Idealistic school of Mahāyāna Buddhism, Yogācāra, human existence is not as much the condition of a “being”, of an entity, but a mere experience projected by the cosmic consciousness, by the so-called “store-house consciousness” (ālayavijñāna). Nevertheless, human existence has some special features; it doesn’t represent a simple cosmic experience but rather an “alteration” of the normal condition of reality.
The peaceful and homogenous state of reality gets altered when human mind starts developping experiences of self-“elevation” (unnatti), of “pride” (māna) towards what it appropriates as its own identity. The natural calm of reality gets disturbed, and the experience projected by the mind becomes an afflicted (klia) one; this is the beginning of suffering (du1kha) and of bondage (sasāra).
Thus, the projection of individuality upon the calm cosmic level can be considered as the “fall” of Yogācāra Buddhism.
