The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XVIII: Philosophy <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">ISSN 2784 – 2088<br>ISSN – L 1583 – 512X</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">Subject covered: philosophy</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;">Contact:</p> en-US The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XVIII: Philosophy 1583-512X Antropologia „deschiderii” a lui Wolfhart Pannenberg <p>Wolhart Pannenberg is an important representative of contemporary theology, a fine connosseur of philosophy, a supporter of the dialogue between theology and science. He tried to capture the specifics of human existence by means of the phrase “openness to the world”, which in fact means “openness beyond the world”, “openness to the future”, that is to say “openness to God”. In many of his writings Wolfhart Pannenberg consistently refers to the ideas of prominent figures of last century’s philosophical anthropology, such as Max Scheler, Arnold Gehlen, Helmuth Plessner, Adolf Portmann and Martin Heidegger. Wolfhart Pannenberg’s doctrine on man is theological and philosophical at the same time.</p> Mihai Androne ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 1 5 15 Maladii și carențe ale conștiinței axiologice <p>The ailments we experience are ontological evidence, the certainty of which even the most skeptical philosopher cannot doubt, especially when they have a toothache. Over time, I have developed a medicine for the body and, paradoxically, a medicine for the soul, albeit much later. Within the realm of human consciousness, various types of diseases have been identified. For instance, Aristotle, through the establishment of logic, acts as the doctor who heals us from the diseases of thought. Freud formulated a therapy for emotions. Within the structure of consciousness, we can identify the diseases affecting our desires and actions. However, in this realm, we do not find an independent form of medicine. Nevertheless, this field has not been left unexplored. Artists serve as the doctors who bring our behavioral deficiencies to the forefront in the realm of values.</p> Ivan Ivlampie ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 1 17 23 Perspective critice asupra heteronomiei artei <p>The heteronomy of art is a philosophical concept that explores the dominance of the socio-cultural norms over artistic creations. Art and society are deeply intertwined, with art reflecting the values, beliefs, and struggles of a society, while simultaneously influencing and shaping it, having a transformative power to challenge the status quo and question prevailing norms and structures. Due to this transformative power, proponents of the heteronomy believe that art should obey extra-aesthetic laws, with the aim of obtaining certain expected effects in society. The debate surrounding the heteronomy of art raises important questions about the nature and purpose of art. What is the extent of the artist's freedom and how is the process of creation affected by the artist's adherence to an agenda? From the perspective of the contemplator, does heteronomous art provide a genuine aesthetic experience? How far do heteronomous creations succeed in achieving the status of an authentic work of art? In this essay, we will address these questions critically, with an aim at challenging the heteronomy of art.</p> Eva Ivan-Haintz ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 1 25 36 Le détournement de l’art dans la publicité, enjeux sémiotiques et spirituels <p>In this research, the problem proposed is how nowadays society aims to communicate an experience of art according to the cultural and commercial context. Some advertising posters made by artists raise questions that call me to dissect this phenomenon in the discourse of art. In recent decades, several artists have been seen creating advertisements for big brands that seem to favor the interests of both parties. All this ambiguity raises several questions as to their meaning and their conditions of reception. In order to shed light on this issue, I chose the American photographer David LaChapelle as a corpus. This director is recognized for his diversion of works of art in advertising posters while seeking a new receptive language. The artist criticizes the consumer society and their flamboyant style. Despite this ambivalence, he remains very popular with advertisers. By diverting the work "L’Ultima Cena" by Leonardo da Vinci, the artist seeks a new spiritual staging. With his work "Jesus is my Homeboy", the pop artist seeks to communicate an idea, a new semiotic language. Does the difference in context prevent the correct understanding of the artist's works? Does the reproduction divert the meaning of the image? My analysis aims to expose the communication and advertising issues related to this type of reproduction as well as their cultural, social and spiritual significance.</p> Leila Haj Sadok ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 1 37 50 La double dialectique du concept de l’aliénation: spiritualiste et transcendance <p>The German philosopher Theodor W. Adorno quotes in his book The Aesthetic Theory: "As much as art was marked by universal alienation and grew by it, what alienated it the least is that everything in it passed through spirit and is humanized without violence. It oscillates between ideology and what Hegel attributes to the natural domain of the mind: the truth of self-certainty. First of all, everything about art has become problematic. Adorno also questions the concept of alienation in this society. In theological reflection, the concept of alienation designates the separation of man from God. The problematic proposed is why do Adorno and Hegel evoke the concept of alienation as the center of the modern world? Do they represent this phenomenon as a spirit per se in objectivity? Why do we speak of a double dialectic? How does art become an autonomous, transcendent, and spiritual creation? In order to answer these questions, I will first dissect Adorno's understanding about the essence of art and aesthetic truth. Secondly, I will refer to Hegelian thought and the return to history and myth. Our task will also be to rely on specific examples.</p> Marwa Rezgui ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 1 51 61 Wittgenstein și concepția sa despre etică potrivit Tractatus-ului și conferinței despre etică <p>The present work aims to sustain the idea that the man Wittgenstein can`t be separated from his work. Such that, the fascination he gives us, comes from how he succeeded in intertwining what he thinks with what he lives, and in this way living in the idea; the same idea which designed his life, and which gave him a sense, of an authentical one. Thus, any separation between life and creation, at Wittgenstein, became, more than at anyone, a void of meaning, an expulsion of understanding, a departure from the closest understanding of what he wanted to convey. Any separation between these perspectives leads us, for sure, to the misunderstanding of honesties, total implications, and full thinking as well as total belief affirmed by rationality and experience. Also, this work intends to highlight the few key moments, which can sustain the purpose of this paper, namely that the creation and the life, by default the ethics, at Wittgenstein, constitute a unitary whole of meaning sense undivided.</p> Laura Mihaela Mancă-Pătraşcu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 1 63 72 Individualitatea ca „rău fundamental”, în budhismul Yogācāra <p>According to the Idealistic school of Mahāyāna Buddhism, Yogācāra, human existence is not as much the condition of a “being”, of an entity, but a mere experience projected by the cosmic consciousness, by the so-called “store-house consciousness” (ālayavijñāna). Nevertheless, human existence has some special features; it doesn’t represent a simple cosmic experience but rather an “alteration” of the normal condition of reality.<br>The peaceful and homogenous state of reality gets altered when human mind starts developping experiences of self-“elevation” (unnatti), of “pride” (māna) towards what it appropriates as its own identity. The natural calm of reality gets disturbed, and the experience projected by the mind becomes an afflicted (klia) one; this is the beginning of suffering (du1kha) and of bondage (sasāra).<br>Thus, the projection of individuality upon the calm cosmic level can be considered as the “fall” of Yogācāra Buddhism.</p> Ovidiu Cristian Nedu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 1 73 93 Voucherele școlare – între echitate și libertate <p>My paper will describe and explore the concept of school vouchers as it was proposed by the American thinker and economist Milton Friedman and, then, analyze how this concept is applied in different countries. Furthermore, I will present the underlying philosophical tension between equity and freedom involved in this. The paper will try to provide practical means through which the school voucher system could be used in Romania, especially in the current context of the crisis in the public school system. Conclusions will be drawn concerning the effectiveness of school vouchers on improving both public and private education as well as general social cohesion.</p> Alexandra Lucia Teodorescu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 8 1 95 101