Problematica rromilor din perspectiva asistenței sociale. Studiu de caz - comunitatea de rromi de la km 10, municipiul Brăila
One of the most important minority by number, traditions, and cultural specificity of the Romanian society is the gypsy/rroma minority. Since 14th Century they have permanently been present on the Romanian territory, reinforcing their subordinate status by contributing to the development of the Romanian culture and society. Today they are a major preoccupation for the Romanian society. Rroma community named generally “10 KM Colony” is settled 10 KM South- West from Brăila City, on the 21st National Road which links Brăila to Slobozia. On the South of the Community is located the Former Paper and Cellulose Factory, to the West there are patches of arable ground, to the North the Lacu Sărat spa and to the East, the community is bounded by the village of Chiscani. Regarding the Rroma/gypsy dwelling-houses, the buildings, the yards as well as their overall organization, all stand as a proof of the gypsies lack of interest accounted for by their poverty or poor incomes, most of the times that being a matter of their mentality or personal interest concerning household aspects, i.e., not paying attention or due respect to their household maintenance (and garnishment). Unfortunately, there are no important or significant programs for social work interventions with a view to sustaining this community as part of our society. There is no social or educational project either, the growing problem of illiteracy and the necessity to benefit by the 416/2001 law regarding the minimum income making the gypsies an even less-favored community.