România în contextul societății de consum

  • Viorel ROTILĂ “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: Romania, consumer society, globalization, communist mentality


Romania is still trapped in a medieval class relationship mentality, the inequalities present in the social structure offering an improper base for the development of a true democracy. Romania can very well be a case study for the negative social implications of a democratic form of government. The challenge we face as a result of the globalization process can be summarized as: can we, as a nation, accept a thorough cultural shift, with threats to alter the very things we regard as forming our national identity, in order to achieve economic success and become part of the emergent globalncommunity? Romania’s economy achievements are ultimately a cultural choice, which involve abandoning part of its identity. Society’s work education requires attaching social value to labour, finding its proper place in the collective value’s system and attaching respect on the part of the society towards its working citizens. The consumer society, one of the virtues of progress, is easily replaced by a sentiment of revolt when it becomes inaccessible to large parts of the population, the fault for this state of affairs being projected on the social system. Without „something different” some Romanians will look to the past, hoping that the spectre of communism will bring them peace of mind. Likewise, most Romanians will not board the buses taking them to demonstrate, but those that leave the country.
