Statornicie și echilibru, forme de manifestare ale spiritualității poporului român
The theme chosen may cause some tension or indifference from those who see stability and balance as only purely theoretical concepts, out-dated in these times of action and irreversible
transformations. Firstly, because we need to rediscover and to promote them. The Romanian society has certain difficulties to define and to acknowledge. There is an oscillation between being seen as a harmonious and balanced society, or as one in which conflict and disorganization are present and manifest themselves in various forms. Secondly, because this year, 2013, is dedicated in our Church, to the Priest Prof. Dumitru Stăniloae, as the year marking the 20thanniversary of his passing into eternity. His works look at these two dimensions of our spirituality, whose foundations lay on the Scripture, the Church tradition, the writings of the Church Fathers, and current concepts in the field of theology, sociology, ethnography and philosophy. Thirdly, because spirituality, patience, and balance are present explicitly or implicitly in the Romanian works and sociological studies; thus, it is important to mention here Henri H. Stahl, with his studies on the joint property in Romanian villages, Ilie Badescu, with his theories regarding asynchronous events, or Ernest Bernea, with his penchant for the Romanian village.