Reprezentări ale schimbărilor postdecembriste în oferta locurilor de muncă. Studiu de caz: Măcin şi Babadag, judeţul Tulcea

  • Daniela RUSU-MOCĂNAŞU “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: mentality, representation, post-communist change, offer jobs, unemployed


Romania's transition from a planeside economy to a market economy involved, on a macroeconomic  level, changes induced by the reform in the institutional, economic and political sphere, and at the micro level, individuals must adapt to new market dynamics, changing routines created in the old regime. The way the changes were meant after 1989 was one of the main factors that oriented the individual towards the adoption of adaptive behavior. This article proposes a comparative analysis of the representations we have for members of two multiethnic communities in Tulcea, Macin and Babadag from this perspective.
