L’education des jeunes en milieu traditionnel Ngbandi

  • Rock Emmanuel YAOUILI-MOGNAMAN Université de Bangui
Keywords: Education, Ngbandi, mode, passage, stages


Education is the way of teaching or conveying some knowledge to an individual or a group of individuals: adolescent or adult. According to some methods, education varies from one society to another, from a cultural area to another. These methods can change from one generation to another or almost parallel to development, to the structure and to some ideals of modern societies. However, in traditional societies, some methods are the same everywhere in Africa. Meanwhile many things and not the least are taught to children by their parents and the aim is to lead the children to acquire capacities, abilities and attitudes in order to make them trained men useful for the society. This present work attemps to point up this traditional education in ngbandi’s environment where the emphasis is put on the why and wherefores of education.

Author Biography

Rock Emmanuel YAOUILI-MOGNAMAN, Université de Bangui

Attaché de recherche Historien, Chercheur au CURDHACA, Université de Bangui, République centrafricaine
