Teoria şi politica culturii din perspectiva sociologului Dimitrie Gusti
Any approach to the notion of culture implies a broad effort to understand the theory developed over time. An important contribution in the analysis of culture belongs to the sociologist Dimitrie Gusti, who analyzed a set of concepts (people's culture, created culture, assimilated culture, etc.), the relation between culture and nature or between culture and civilization or the role of culture in defining a nation, constituting a fund for shaping a culture theory. Another contribution of the renowned sociologist is the construction of a cultural policy system, through which instructions and elites intervene to raise the cultural level of the nation from the perspective of obtaining the cultural unity of the Romanian people. These contributions of the sociologist in the field of culture are the subject of the present study, thus completing the picture of Dimitrie Gusti's contribution to the founding of Romanian sociology. The study is structured around three guiding elements: showing the socio-cultural context in which Gusti's conception of culture was outlined, mentioning the sociologist's contribution to the consolidation of sociology as a science and highlighting ideas
and conceptions regarding culture - respectively culture theory and culture policy, as an integral part of the Gustian conception. Both the theory of culture and especially the culture policy elaborated by D. Gusti, are themes that contribute to the deepening of the knowledge of the Romanian cultural specific and to a good organization of cultural intervention.