Imagini ale statutului social al femeii: abordare socio-culturală

  • Elisaveta DRĂGHICI
Keywords: women's politics, sociology of mass communication, social status, feminism, women's magazines


In correlation with the socio-political changes of the Romanian society, the status of women in Romania has several characteristics regarding their role in society and their valorization in the public space. First of all, I start from the analysis of social policies that contain stated public objectives regarding the support of women's participation in society. Secondly, I make a foray into the pages of magazines dedicated to women to identify how their issues are presented by journalists. The reference period of the analysis includes the years 1950-2020. The investigation is based on identifying the defining elements of existing women's issues in women's magazines (issues they face, the social role of women, emancipation, the image of women, etc.), based on the analysis of documents. At the same time, I identify the journalists' vision on women's issues and the impact of press articles, based on the interpretation of the results of a questionnaire administered to them. The aim of the study is to identify the differences in the presentation of women's status in the women's magazines before and after 1989, as an effect of social policies for women.
