Teologie și educație la "Dunărea de Jos"
<p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>DOI: </strong><a href="https://doi.org/10.35219/teologie%20">https://doi.org/10.35219/teologie</a><strong> </strong></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>ISSN (online)</strong>: 2601-7148</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>ISSN (print)</strong>: 1843-8660</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Frequency:</strong> Annual </p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Subject: </strong>Theology, Sociology, Aspects of Faith in Christian Culture</p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><strong>Contact: </strong>teologiesieducatie@ugal.ro</p>Arhiepiscopia Dunării de Jos - Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați - Facultatea de istorie, Filosofie și Teologie - Departamentul Teologieen-USTeologie și educație la "Dunărea de Jos"1843-8660Cuprins
<p>Contents</p>* * *
2024-07-052024-07-0521Reprezentarea canonică a Sfintei Treimi în iconografia ortodoxă. Studiu revăzut şi adăugit
<p>The iconography of the Holy Trinity represents an extremely important issue, considering that the icon must fully express the truth of the Churchʼs faith, and current at the same time, since in church painting we can easily observe deviations from the canon of orthodoxy. That is precisely why, appealing to both the Orthodox and the Catholic bibliography, the present study aims to bring to the attention of theologians, clergy, iconographers and, why not, the laity alike, in a succinct presentation, the question of iconography and, implicitly, of the iconology of the Holy Trinity, to understand which representations are canonical and which are not, to correctly choose the icon of the Holy Trinity that can be painted and honored, in churches or in the home of every Christian.</p>Cristian Gagu
2024-07-052024-07-0521117158Ars moriendi e ars Deo vivendi. Iubirea creştină ca jertfă de sine în transplantul de organe
<p>Organ transplantation is certainly a revolutionary opportunity to save human life with great legal, cultural, sociological and moral resonances. Transplant medicine shows how profound the dialogue between science and theology is, which used to be so controversial in the past. The medical world has thus become an interesting place of interdisciplinary crossroads, a place where the natural, human and religious sciences, with their corresponding personalities, come closer together and dedicate themselves to helping the sick/suffering person. From this point of view, the greatest challenge is precisely the ability to integrate the various skills in order to provide the patient with the best possible care. This is only possible if the human being is considered not as an individual but as a person, as an original and unrepeatable “unicum” who offers himself as self-sacrifice and gift. The model followed by the Church is<br>that of the Merciful Samaritan, which translates into philanthropy and responsibility. Giving in sacrifice and service does not mean self-denial and cancellation of the person, but, on the contrary, affirmation. Sacrifice gives new content and radiance to the person, transfiguring and ennobling them.</p>Leontin Popescu
2024-07-052024-07-0521159191Ortodoxia între raţionalism şi raţionalitate la Sfântul Vasile cel Mare. Un posibil răspuns la o nedreaptă acuză adusă neamului nostru
<p>In this study I will not do an analysis of Saint Basil the Great’s thinking, not even an introspection into his work, but starting from an chosen text (I would say randomly, with the conviction that there are many such texts in his work) we will try to understand a specifically Orthodox way of thinking regarding reason, both in its general sense, but also in its particular aspect, of a typical human function. Starting from this, I will try a possible response to some accusations against Orthodoxy (from our Romanian space and not only), that it might be too “slow” and devoid of social dynamics (and even missionary), precisely because it does not emphasize particularly the outer “miracles“ of reason.</p>Gheorghe Butuc
2024-07-052024-07-0521192223Sensurile Sfintei Scripturi
<p>This study outlines the two main directions of interpretation of Scripture according to the patristic tradition of the Church: the historical or literal and the spiritual. To these is added the typological meaning, which is a particular form of the spiritual sense. The author points out that the literal meaning and the spiritual meaning are not mutually exclusive, but must be both integrated by the exegete in his interpretation. Ultimately, the meaning of a biblical text is revealed to the reader through meditated lecture and accompanied by prayer.</p>Agapie Corbu
2024-07-052024-07-0521224233Mitropolitul Partenie şi festivităţile de la Iaşi din toamna anului 1904
<p>In 1904, Romanians commemorated 400 years since the death of Stephen the Great, ruler of Moldavia. Important festivities took place in Iași at the beginning of October, attended by members of the Royal Court and the Council of ministers, by local officials and commoners, by foreign delegates, and numerous hierarchs. Archival documents and testimonies of the time record several important events, significant for the cultural and spiritual life of all Romanians: “Sf. Nicolae Domnesc” church, built by Saint Stephen the Great, and “Sfinții Trei Ierarhi” church, founded by Vasile Lupu, were re-consecrated after restoration, and there was a celebration for the centenary of the “Veniamin Costachi“ Seminary. They also record how these events were received by contemporaries. It was written, for instance, that „the ancestral virtues were celebrated, the fruit of love and devotion to the Church and the Nation, and the unwavering faith in all that is good, true and beautiful was affirmed”. Under these celebratory circumstances, amongst other contributors to the good organization and development of the ceremonies, one personality stood out: Partenie Clinceni, successor of St. Metropolitan Iosif Naniescu as Archbishop of Iasi and Metropolitan of Moldova and Suceava.</p>Daniel Niţă Danielescu
2024-07-052024-07-0521234246Clerul de mir orăşenesc din Ţara Românească în secolele XV-XVII
<p>The secular clergies from urban area were formed of priests and deacons. Also, depending in wich church they served, the secular clergies from urban area were princely clerics and fair clerics. The clergies from towns and fairs lived close to churches where they served, and all urban parishes had parish houses. At the town church or fair served at least two priests and deacons, and at the princely churches at least three or four priests and deacons. The princely clerics were selected only between priests and deacons who had particular moral and intellectual qualities. The priests from the princely court prayed for the victory of the lord in wars, officiated the holy liturgy and other church services, as well as the holy mysteries and riots for members of the princely family. They were confessors of the lord and the members of his family. The princely priests drove the princes on their last way through the passage in the eternal life. At the princely churches also had access ordinary town people, and at the princely chapels only members of the princely family. From the ranks of the secular clergies from urban area also took part those who served at metropolitan, as well as those who served at the diocesan centers from Buzău and Râmnic. The princely churches were endowed with many properties, and the princely clerics had a lot of privileges, being exempted from tributes. The churches from towns were endowed with differents properties such as: arable lands, gardens, vines, orchards, mill fords etc. The secular clergies from towns were witnessed differents transactions such as: donations, sale-purchase operations, the preparation of wills and dowry sheets etc.</p>Liviu Luca
2024-07-052024-07-0521247260Ofiţeri şi soldaţi români din Armata Austro-Ungară, în timpul Primului Război Mondial prezenţi în paginile „Foii Diecezane“
<p>“Foaia Diecezană” was a magazine printed at diocese printing house of Caransebeș in 1886 during the bishop Ioan Popasu (1865-1889) wellknown for his interests in acquiring a printing machine for the diocese. The magazine has appeared once per week usually on a Sunday. In 1949 the magazine seazed to appear due to new Romanian political realities. During the years of WWI, the magazine provided important information for the local Romanian families in and around Caransebeș about their sons and fathers who were at times part of the Austrian-Hungary army. The notices contain information about deaths, wounded promotions or recipients of the medal.</p>Cristina Plosca
2024-07-052024-07-0521261268Valenţe deiste în gândirea lui Stephen Hawking
<p>Today, the answer to the meaning of human existence is more uncertain than ever, not because of the denial of meaning, but because of the multitude of meanings and paths that are proposed. Paradoxically, the plurality of principles means their absence, just as polytheism is equivalent to atheism. Therefore, as far as the meaning of human existence is concernced, Stephen Hawking sometimes declares himself an atheist, but he basically promotes deism, which denies God by affirming Him. He denies God by affirming Him the way He is not. The science developed by Hawking provides the premises of a worship system, that is, a new religious view without God. He cannot give an accurate image of the human goal, because he cannot explain the origin of creation either. Hawking believes that the universe will end suddenly, but the Divine Revelation speaks not of the end but of transfiguration. In his way of describing reality, Hawking places God under human dignity, because he sees Him as an object that can be controlled. Finally, he sees the meaning of human existence in the complete knowledge of creation which could not give man more than any creature could.</p>Petre Ştefan
2024-07-052024-07-0521269283Modele de organizare a activităţii de educaţie fizică în şcoala românească, în secolul al XIX-lea
Cristian Ştefan Liuşnea
2024-07-052024-07-0521284301Aspecte din Capitalul lui Karl Marx şi regăsirea unor elemente din geneza „religiilor laice“
<p>The philosophical, sociological, anthropological doctrinal typologies encountered in the XIX-th and XX-th centuries, with certain obviously extremist tendencies both in terms of left or right have emerged in the history of the humanity as secular forms of “messianism”, which had the mission to save humanity from the injustices it has faced throughout its history. These doctrinal typologies spread the idea of a “messianic“ concept of human imagology and symbolism. Thus, in the vision of the Marxist-communist doctrine, the image of a new man appears to us, a man able to conceive a life in which to assert himself with all the power he has through the offered system, finding the captivating idea of e quality in opportunities for each individual. After the germination stage we witness a lynching of the opposition formed especially from the area of the historical Churches, of the intellectuals, of the nobility or of the wealthy peasantry. Relying on this concept, after the spread of the Bolshevik Revolution, the image of the “Stakhanov man” appears, capable of unimaginable physical and material performances, worthy of a superman. This revolutionary and, at the same time, utopian idea, is also found in another form in the right-wing extremism represented by Nazism through the conception of the “übermensch” practiced with so many trumpets by Friedrich Nietzsche in his work.</p>Ionuţ-Adrian Pătularu
2024-07-052024-07-0521302316„Universitatea Vârstei a Treia“ – incluziune socială şi maturitate spirituală în comunitate
<p>Identity exclusion is where we avoid exploring alternatives and accept, often uncritically or without deep analysis, any principles, values, or directions that are “transmitted or directed” to us, most often by public authorities, society, or certain groups. Aging has become the dominant and most visible aspect of population structure dynamics globally. In the face of this large phenomenon, there can be several types of responses: social assistance, including the important role of the Church and formal education, the silver economy, a concept of positive identity and social inclusion for seniors and, why not, a leisure university that can play multiple social roles, a voice that puts seniority at the center of public perception. This article presents the Third Age University, a pioneering project in Romania, and the positive role played by the Archbishopric of the Dunărea de Jos within the social-cultural university initiative in Galați.</p>Florin Tudor
2024-07-052024-07-0521317333După 30 de ani. Credinţă, schimbare, adaptare. Atunci şi acum
<p>L’article contient une analyse de l’évolution du fait religieux contemporain en Roumanie, depuis les années 1990. On a pris en compte la dimension théologique, sociale et, surtout, générationnelle. Le but a été de surprendre les principaux changements qui se sont produits depuis et esquisser un portrait et inventaire de l’état de chose d’aujourd’hui. L’article se termine par une question ouverte et un appel au dialogue et une meilleure compréhension de la relation de l’Église avec les médias et la société roumaine, afin de faire face aux défis du monde contemporain.</p>Mirel Bănică
2024-07-052024-07-0521329335† Casian, Arhiepiscopul Dunării de Jos, La lumina opaițului. Portrete. Consemnări. Amintiri, vol. III
<p>În anul 2023 a ieșit de sub tipar, la Editura Arhiepiscopiei Dunării de Jos, volumul IV al evocărilor pentru comuniune „La lumina opaițului Portrete. Consemnări. Amintiri“, în care autorul, Inaltpreasinția Sa Casian, Arhiepiscopul Dunării de Jos, continuă un demers, început cu mai mulți ani înainte, iluminat lăuntric de „energiile binefăcătoare ale vieților consacrate Domnului, Bisericii și neamului.“</p>Mihaela Denisia Liuşnea
2024-07-052024-07-0521339342Pr. Eugen Drăgoi, Cimitire și morminte creștine în Galați
<p>Semnalăm apariția în anul 2022, la Editura Arhiepiscopiei Dunării de Jos, a albumului, pe care ÎPS Casian, Arhiepiscop al Dunării de Jos, îl numește „carte de teologie a Învierii“, semnat de Pr. Eugen Drăgoi, „harnic și competent cercetător și istoric avizat“ ( Un album „Memento“ al celor Nemuritori, p. 8).</p>Mihaela Denisia Liuşnea
2024-07-052024-07-0521343348Pagini alese din creaţia corală religioasă a compozitorului Costică Andrei
<p>The composer Costică Andrei was one of the leading advocates of the Romanian musical composition style in the 2nd half of the 19th century and the 1st decade of the 20th century. He graduated from the “Sf. Ap. Andrei“ Theological Seminary in Galați, in 1948, the summer before this important Orthodox theological education institution was abolished by the communist regime. Costică Andrei followed musical training at the Conservatory in Iași, Cluj and Bucharest. His style of musical composition was influenced by the composers Tudor Jarda and Sigismund Toduță. His religious choral creations include the Songs of the Holy Liturgy, Hymns and prayers and Christmas carols. All of these were published in his volume entitled Choirs – Religious music, published at Editura Muzicală (Musical Publishing House), in 2004. The modal structures are significant in his religious choral compositions. Syntactically, the author<br>combined the use of two compositional processes: the polyphony and the harmony. Chromaticism is also pronounced in his creation, especially when exploring the prosodic requirements of the religious texts that he used. The sound of his songs often presents similarities with the medieval music, which is due to parallel melodic movements, elliptical chords and the use of the unison as background for the thematic phrases. Nonetheless, imitations, the use of the stretto, alterations along musical themes, as well as other processes which give vigor and originality to his compositions are present throughout his creation. Therefore, the religious music of Costică Andrei carries within itself a note of uniqueness and it is intrinsically appropriate to and for the church, due to the way that religious texte were used.</p>Zaharia Matei
2024-07-042024-07-0421721Preotul Cornel Givulescu, profesor, dirijor, compozitor şi activitatea sa la Conservatorul „Gheorghe Dima“ din Cluj-Napoca
<p>Cornel Givulescu is an important part of the musical pantheon of the last century. Born in Săvârșin, Arad County, he was a priest, composer, musicologist, conductor, and, in the same time, a remarkable professor. He left a deep mark on music and on one of the institutions he loved and to which he dedicated many years of his life – The National Academy of Music “Gheorghe Dima“ of Cluj-Napoca, where he was a member of the department of Theory – Solfeggio, a life-long tribute paid to the continent of sounds. The present study depicts Corneliu Givulescu’s evolution and the defining moments in his life and activity, highlighting the years spent as professor to the Academy of Music. We also mention his creations, many of them inedited and original, as the oratorio “Golgota“, the harmonized Liturgies for male or mixt choir, the Eucharist prayers, the musical Creed, and numerous important texts from the New Testament, musically transposed by the composer Cornel Givulescu.</p>Ovidiu-Valentin Boc
2024-07-042024-07-04212255„Vocea divinului“ în compoziţii ritualice ortodoxe de origine vestic – românească
<p>Regarding music as an act of worship within the Orthodox Church, we have the duty to emphasize both the historical framework of its development and the immediate profiling of the main contributors to the consolidation of the musical and ritual treasury. In this respect, the present material aims to bring to our attention some aspects that particularize the church music of Banat, as well as to bring into the light of the present some of the most important composers of such music. We have to remember that the Banat region, through its multi-confessional structure, has enjoyed a special cultural life since ancient times, which has always included music, from a popular and ecclesiastical aspect, both individually and chorally. These realities were based on the artistic sense of the local people, who preserved and manifested through chants, their entire Orthodox Christian life and experience.</p>Rafael Povîrnaru
2024-07-042024-07-04215671Cântarea liturgică în lumina Sfintei Tradiţii – contribuţia Sfântului Andrei Criteanul
<p>In the year 2023, proclaimed by the Romanian Patriarchate as the “Commemorative Year of hymnographers and church singers (psalts)“, we proposed to bring back into discussion the very important contribution of Saint Andrew of Crete (660-740), in the context of understanding the meaning of liturgical singing in the Light of the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church. Saint Andrew the Cretan left a rich homiletic, hymnographic and melodic work, his hymns being used in today’s liturgical practice, throughout the year, especially at the great Feasts (dedicated to the Mother of God, the Saints, as well as those from the Triod cycle and Pentecost). We focused on the Great Canon, trying to understand the life of the Hymnographer, who acquired holiness thanks to both the fruit of ascetic effort, the crown of which is spiritual purity, and the gift of Christ through the Holy Spirit, the two criteria working together as an expression of a synergy dynamics. Divine holiness has the attribute of transcendence as a person, so it potentiates our consciousness, making us think of our sinfulness, and in this context also appears deep repentance, equal in depth to the levels of consciousness.</p>Sorin Marinescu
2024-07-042024-07-04217280Din rânduiala cea de taină a preotului (II): „Rugăciunile luminii“ din cadrul Vecerniei şi semnificaţiile lor teologice, liturgice şi duhovniceşti
Lucian Petroaia
2024-07-042024-07-04218196Paul Păltănea – aspecte mai puţin cunoscute despre calitatea sa de profesor de istorie la Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos“ din Galaţi
<p>In this work, I wanted to evoke the personality of the one who was a teacher worthy of my respect, for the model of dignity and professionalism, offered to his students, Paul Păltânea. In this context, I tried to understand how the young Paul Păltânea was formed, who were his role models – the teachers he worked with, how he understood what it means to defend your freedom of conscience even at a price difficultto pay for many. On the other hand, I tried to bring to light, perhaps less known aspects about the environment in which the History-Geography Specialization began its activity, within the Faculty of Letters and Sciences in Galati. We also wanted to talk about the role of the teacher, in our case, of history, in a reorganized, reformed education system, affected by ideologies, but with a goal that has not changed until today – that of perfecting the personality of young people. Currently, we are witnessing many discussions regarding educational objectives and there are theorists who want to remove from the classic scheme the attitudes, which should complete the picture of skills, abilities and competences, based on values, which should be assumed by those who want to integrate into a postmodern society, with a great dynamic that implies permanent adaptation and re-adaptation to change. History, more than theoretical, abstract disciplines, presupposes principles that should be related to truths that are immutable. The latter, I think, cannot or should not be able to change and adapt to the times!</p>Mihaela Denisia Liuşnea
2024-07-052024-07-052197104Aspecte religioase şi social-istorice privind pastoraţia persoanelor vârstnice
<p>The pastoral care of the elderly in our Church requires a specific approach, it includes several particularities, taking into account the fact that the elderly lived in two historical periods, diametrically opposed, separated by the events of December 1989. Then, almost unexpectedly, the communist political regime disappeared over night, after which there followed a period of adaptation to the new Romanian, European and international political, social and religious realities.The political regime changed when today’s seniors were in their 40s and 50s, the age of full adulthood. Many of them had a certain stable socio-economic position, which they had acquired with sacrificesand compromises, bearing in mind that in a society with a rigid political regime it was not easy to climb the steps of a hierarchy. You had to pay attention to everyone and everything. There was a certain social balance, which was acquired through sacrifices, strain and not infrequently disappointments, which could not be confessed to almost anyone.Even if it was a society with some social and economic stability and predictability, the efforts to adapt to it were commensurate, with costs that mostly remained in the memory of the elderly. A society with almost perfect social control, where reports, investigations and statements of all kinds were the order of the day.</p> <p>All this strict and all-encompassing social control, in the Romanian communist society, led to the emergence of a fear or fear. This fear or fear, almost dormant since the communist period, is present in the souls of the elderly even today, mostly. Our elderly people today are sensitive people, full of emotionality, which they often mask with clumsiness, who cannot and do not want to part with their past. A past that they analyze and redefine almost daily, most of the time through a superlative construction. The study aims to analyze some sensitive aspects of the lives of the elderly for a better understanding of their pastoral care.</p>Ovidiu Soare