Study on the stress variation in the components of offshore rig legs in various collision situations

  • Oana Mirela Dobrot “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Naval Architecture, Galati, Romania
  • Costel Iulian Mocanu “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Faculty of Naval Architecture, Galati, Romania
Keywords: collision, stress, offshore, Finite Element Method


The offshore rigs are designed for oil and gas drilling and extraction in the seabed. Generally speaking, an offshore structure consists of its body and support elements (legs). As a result of the interaction of the legs with the environment, or the collision with various floating objects, some damage may affect the components. In this case, a methodology should be found, in order to determine the strains occurring in such situations. The paper studies the behavior of offshore rig legs’ elements in various cases of damage to the components. The Finite Element Method is used to determine the strain state in various damage scenarios. As offshore structures operate in the marine environment, which displays a dynamic behavior, calculations were performed to detect the alterations of the rig’s own pulsations. It is important for the operators of the drilling installations as it avoids the overlap of the rig’s own vibration modes.


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How to Cite
Dobrot O, Mocanu C. Study on the stress variation in the components of offshore rig legs in various collision situations. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 10Jun.2012 [cited 9Mar.2025];30(1):37-2. Available from: