Algorithm for Gear Shaped Tool Profiling by Bezier Approximation
The profiling of tools associated with centrodes, which generated by enwrapping, by rolling method, ordered profiles curls may be done, as in the case of rack-gear tool using the surfaces fundamentals methods. Multiple situations in the industrial practice don’t need a very rigorous in
the defining of these profiles. As follow, the elaboration of a method and adequate algorithms which allow the profiling, in certain precision limits, of the tools, but in simple calculus forms, for various types of elementary profiles, may be useful in industrial appliances. In this paper, is proposed a method to approximate the gear shaped tool, regarding the representation using the Bezier polynomials of 2nd or 3rd degree. A small Bezier polynomials degree leads at simple expressions of the polynomials coefficients, allowing a pre-calculus of these.