The application of servo press machine to forming of sheet metals with low formability

  • Hisashi Hayashi RIKEN, V-CAD System Research Program
  • Hisashi Nishimura Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo Metropolitan
Keywords: sheet metal forming, advanced intelligent forming, on-demand production, servo press, slide motion, NC die cushion, hard formable sheet materials


Sheet metal forming is facing many difficult problems such as forming of hard formable materials with high strength and low ductility, high precision forming, and improvement of productivity. To deal with the recent economic and the industrial crises whether and how to establish Japan-specific technology in the globalization of production has been considered and the specific development challenges are clarified. The sheet metal forming is an integrated technology of a variety of fundamental techniques. Servo press is one of significant and promising techniques which affect the future development. In Japan a lot of servo press machines are being introduced to stamping shops. Servo press, press machine using a servo motor as a drive source, has many features compared to conventional press machine. New forming techniques have been developed utilizing the characteristics of servo press. The use of the servo press is expected to improve tool-life, increase productivity, improve processing accuracy, reduce noise and vibration, develop complex processes, and shorten forming processes. And the application of servo press has proved successful in the forming of hard formable materials such as high strength steel, aluminum alloy, and magnesium alloy. However, for more effective use of the servo press there are still technical issues to be solved.


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How to Cite
Hayashi H, Nishimura H. The application of servo press machine to forming of sheet metals with low formability. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 8Nov.2009 [cited 9Mar.2025];27:3-0. Available from: