Consideration regarding the influence of the process factors on the geometrical precision of some complex profiles manufactured by cold rolling

  • Doina Iacomi University of Piteşti, Technology and Management Department
  • Eduard Nițu University of Piteşti, Technology and Management Department
  • Ion Ungureanu University of Piteşti, Technology and Management Department
Keywords: cold rolling, complex profiles, geometrical precision


Industrial practice emphasizes the wide use of manufacturing by volumetric cold forming of some profiles on parts used within machine building industry; this is justified by certain advantages offered by these rooling processes. The aim of this paper is to enrich the contributions in this field, by presenting some of the researches made by the authors regarding the geometrical precision of the helical profile (worm) generated by a roll tool and some grooves with involute profile generated by a rack bar tool. We have taken into consideration the following main processing factors: the geometry of the tool and the active precision of the profile, the kind of material and the shape of the blank, the values of the mode of operation parameters, the geometric precision of the roller. The research results allow establishing the workability function connected with the dimensional precision of the generated profiles and offer important information’s concerning the development of the straining process.


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How to Cite
Iacomi D, Nițu E, Ungureanu I. Consideration regarding the influence of the process factors on the geometrical precision of some complex profiles manufactured by cold rolling. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 8Nov.2009 [cited 9Mar.2025];27:117-22. Available from: