Identification of sheet metal plastic anisotropy, and optimization of initial blank shape in deep drawing

  • Monica Iordache University of Pitesti
  • Mihaela Teaca University of Pitesti
  • Isabelle Charpentier Université Paul Verlaine-Metz
  • Marion Martiny Université Paul Verlaine-Metz
  • Gérard Ferron Université Paul Verlaine-Metz
Keywords: sheet metals, anisotropy, deep-drawing, finite element method


The present paper first aims of identifying the anisotropic plastic behavior of metal sheets by combining the results of classical uniaxial tensile tests and of heterogeneous biaxial tensile tests on cruciform specimens. The analysis was performed for both steel sheets and aluminum alloy sheets. Then, the material parameters are used in finite element simulations to predict the formation of ears in the cup drawing test. Very good predictions of experimentally-measured ears are obtained for all materials. Finally, a correction of the initial contour is proposed, which allows us to prevent the formation of ears at the end of the drawing process.


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Author Biographies

Mihaela Teaca, University of Pitesti

Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux

Isabelle Charpentier, Université Paul Verlaine-Metz

Université Paul Verlaine-Metz, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux

Marion Martiny, Université Paul Verlaine-Metz

Université Paul Verlaine-Metz, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, France

Gérard Ferron, Université Paul Verlaine-Metz

Université Paul Verlaine-Metz, Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Matériaux, France

How to Cite
Iordache M, Teaca M, Charpentier I, Martiny M, Ferron G. Identification of sheet metal plastic anisotropy, and optimization of initial blank shape in deep drawing. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 8Nov.2009 [cited 9Mar.2025];27:149-54. Available from: