Identification of the surface roughness-state variables relation and its application to the highspeed machining control

  • Viorel Văcăruș “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
  • Alexandru Epureanu “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
  • Cătălina Maier
  • Viorel Păunoiu “Dunarea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: high speed machining control, surface roughness, state variables, identification


In this paper surface roughness, obtained by machining with different cutting speeds, is analyzed. A special experimental device was developed for this. Surface roughness was investigated using digitally device Surtronic 3+ and was analyzed with specific software Talyprofile. Materials used for this study of roughness at high speed machining conditions where six brands of high and medium alloyed steels, machined with two different cutting feeds and six different cutting speeds. Transversal profile of the asperity was investigated, and was established the minimum chip thickness. Longitudinal profile of the asperity was, also, established. At the end we proposed a modified cutting tool and modified cutting model in order to obtain the minimum of the surface roughness, applicable to the high speed turning finishing of machined surfaces.


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How to Cite
Văcăruș V, Epureanu A, Maier C, Păunoiu V. Identification of the surface roughness-state variables relation and its application to the highspeed machining control. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 8Nov.2009 [cited 9Mar.2025];27:205-10. Available from:

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