Plasma cutting optimization by using the response surface methodology

  • Pedro Ferreira Faculty of Science and Technology, The New University of Lisbon
  • Ivo Melo Faculty of Science and Technology, The New University of Lisbon
  • António Gonçalves Coelho UNIDEMI, Faculty of Science and Technology, The New University of Lisbon
  • António Mourão UNIDEMI, Faculty of Science and Technology, The New University of Lisbon
Keywords: Plasma Cutting, Process Optimization, Response Surface Methodology, Design of Experiments, Cost Engineering


Optimizing a plasma cutting operation is typically a trial-and-error process that is usually inspired in recommendations given by manufacturers of plasma cutting tools and consumables. Those advices reflect the point of view of the manufacturers’ business and may not lead to the most cost-effective solution on the users’ point of view — even if technically sound. In addition, trial-and-error does not allow for the systematization, for further usage, of the new knowledge acquired by the users. The present paper contains a contribution for the change of the current state of affairs through the use of the response surface methodology (RSM). A genuine industrial case study is presented, where a gain of 35 to 65% in cutting speed was attained depending on the processed steel, with a cost reduction of around 28%.


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How to Cite
Ferreira P, Melo I, Coelho A, Mourão A. Plasma cutting optimization by using the response surface methodology. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 8Nov.2009 [cited 9Mar.2025];27:213-8. Available from: