Determination of process function for pitch diameter D2 in electro-erosion machining of threads from sintered metallic carbides type G20

  • Corneliu Neagu POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
  • Andrei Dumitrescu POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
  • Mihaela Berinde S.C. ICTCM S.A. - Mechanical Engineering and Research Institute
  • Gheorghe Badea S.C. ICTCM S.A. - Mechanical Engineering and Research Institute
Keywords: electro-erosion, metallic carbide, threading, response surfaces


The use of electro-technologies is one of the most important directions of technological development in our country. A special domain belongs to the procedures involved in machining the hard and extrahard materials. These materials are used extensively in fields like aeronautics, precision mechanics, cutting tools, etc. In this paper, the authors present some of the results obtained in the theoretical and experimental researches concerning the electro-erosion machining of interior threads made in sintered metallic carbides type G20. These researches revealed the influences of electro-technological parameters on geometrical characteristics of thread (pitch diameter, pitch and profile angle). The present paper shows how was determined the process function associated to pitch diameter D2. This function is useful for the establishment of electro-technological parameters in machining interior threads in sintered metallic carbides.


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How to Cite
Neagu C, Dumitrescu A, Berinde M, Badea G. Determination of process function for pitch diameter D2 in electro-erosion machining of threads from sintered metallic carbides type G20. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 8Nov.2009 [cited 9Mar.2025];27:233-8. Available from: