Mechanical properties of filled epoxy based reinforced composites

  • Vasile Bria Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, “Dunărea de Jos“ University of Galati
  • Igor Roman Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, “Dunărea de Jos“ University of Galati
  • Ion Postolache Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, “Dunărea de Jos“ University of Galati
  • Victor Ungureanu Polymeric Composites Laboratory, “Dunărea de Jos“ University of Galati
  • Iulian Gabriel Bîrsan Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, “Dunărea de Jos“ University of Galati
  • Adrian Cîrciumaru Polymeric Composites Laboratory, “Dunărea de Jos“ University of Galati
Keywords: fiber fabric, clay, ferrite, CNT, epoxy


While the aim of composites is to replace metals in various applications researchers are involved in improving not only the mechanical but also the electromagnetic and thermal properties of polymeric composites. Also, it is known that filled polymeric composites show interesting properties especially when the fillers are nanosized. In such conditions it is expected that laminate composites formed with filled epoxy will show different properties. One of the most important goals is to ensure adhesion of epoxy matrix to the reinforcement. The mechanical properties were evaluated using 3 point bending tests.


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How to Cite
Bria V, Roman I, Postolache I, Ungureanu V, Bîrsan I, Cîrciumaru A. Mechanical properties of filled epoxy based reinforced composites. Annals of ”Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle V, Technologies in machine building [Internet]. 8Nov.2009 [cited 9Mar.2025];27:315-8. Available from:

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