Contribution to a new method for deep drawing with kinetic control
The paper presents a new deep drawing sheet metal method in which, due to the complex
geometric shape of the part, there are significant variations in the level of deformation in different
areas of the piece. The method aims to im-prove the quality in the deep drawing process by reducing
the variation of the wall thickness of the part, caused by the different degree of stretching of the sheet
in different areas of it. In the proposed method the vertical movement of the punch is completed by
two vertical rotational movements of it which will have the effect the increasing the flexibility of the
deformation process, the active elements occupying the most favourable position dictated by the
material flow in the die. It results an improved material deformability and a higher degree of deformation.
Also, the new method offers a relatively simple constructive solution of the press and does
not require long auxiliary times for assembly-disassembly.