Evaluarea performanţelor mecanice, termice și tribologice ale compozitelor cu matrice poliesterică şi nanotuburi de carbon: teză de doctorat


Luminiţa Ciupangea


This paper presents a study of polyester composites in terms of mechanical, thermal and tribological properties. For this research, an unsaturated polyester was selected as matrix, a thermoset material used on industrial scale because it demonstrates superior properties in applications, but also because of the low price as compared to other polymeric materials. In the last years, research has been focused on adding nanomaterials into polymer matrix because of the benefits brought to new composites..

168 pagini

Cover for Evaluarea performanţelor mecanice, termice și tribologice ale compozitelor cu matrice poliesterică şi nanotuburi de carbon: teză de doctorat