Effect of cassava variety and fermentation time on biochemical and microbiological characteristics of raw artisanal starter for attiéké production

  • Tetchi Fabrice Achille University of Abobo- Adjamé
  • Solomen Oluwa Woyé University of Abobo- Adjamé
  • Célah Kakou Abodjo University of Abobo- Adjamé
  • Georges Amani N’guessan University of Abobo- Adjamé
Keywords: cassava varieties, fermentation, artisanal starter, quality parameters


The objective of this study was to characterize an artisanal inoculum called “Mangnan”. It was used in fermenting cassava for the production of “attiéké” and it may be prepared from different cassava varieties and by different processing methods. Thus, the effects of varietal difference and fermentation time on biochemical and microbiological characteristics of this inoculum prepared from raw cassava roots, was investigated. Two cassava varieties; IAC and BONOUA were investigated at fermentation time of 0; 24; 48; 72 and 96 hours in ambient temperature (28-32°C) for 4 days. Quality parameters such as pH, total titratable acidity, total and reducing sugar consumption and microorganisms’ growth were assessed with time.
All the analyzed parameters were significantly (p<0.05) affected by both cassava varietal differences and fermentation time. The changes in biochemical (decrease in pH, sugar consumption, and increase in titratable acidity) and microbiological characteristics were observed during cassava fermentation. The “IAC” variety of cassava and 72 hours of fermentation, gave the best results for processing of Mangnan, if its aim is to provide the maximum fermentative microorganisms (mainly lactic acid bacteria) in the process of attiéké production. These results serve as a useful guide in selecting cassava varieties and fermentation time for processing Mangnan and constitute a significant step in optimizing the production of attiéké.


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How to Cite
Fabrice Achille T, Oluwa Woyé S, Kakou Abodjo C, Amani N’guessan G. Effect of cassava variety and fermentation time on biochemical and microbiological characteristics of raw artisanal starter for attiéké production. Innovative Romanian Food Biotechnology [Internet]. 2Mar.2012 [cited 12Mar.2025];(10). Available from: https://gup.ugal.ro/ugaljournals/index.php/IFRB/article/view/3384