Mathematical Model for the Temperature Distribution on The Surface of Two Aluminum Alloys Welded by Friction Stir Welding

  • E. T. Karash Northern Technical University, Technical Institute Mosul, Iraq
  • H. M. Ali Technical College of Engineering, Northern Technical University, Mosul, Irak
  • A. F. Hamid Technical College of Engineering, Northern Technical University, Mosul, Irak
Keywords: Rotational speed, Travel speed, Aluminium alloys, Friction stir welding, Finite element


The aim of this study was to know the temperatures on all surfaces of three-dimensional models using the ANSYS 15.0 program, first to know the temperatures from the welding centre to the edges of the models, of two aluminium alloys are (AA-7075 & AA-2024) welded together by friction stir welding methods. Secondly, the distribution of temperatures from the starting of the welding process to its end, and the derivation of equations to predict the distribution of temperatures with the time spent in the welding process, and the distribution of temperatures with the distance from the centre of the welding process. At different travel speeds of the welding cart (TS = 20, 40, 60, 100 mm/s) and different speeds of the welding tool (TRS = 900, 1050,1200 rps). The results indicate that the temperature increases with the increase in the rotation speed of the welding tool, while the temperature decreases with the increase in the travel speed of the welding cart. Another result is that the temperature distribution is not symmetrical, where the highest values are in the welding centre and decrease significantly as the welding centre is moved away, and the highest temperatures can be reached between (75 – 80 %) in the welding centre from the melting point of the two aluminium alloys welded together. It was also found that the temperatures increase significantly after the twenty-second from the beginning of the welding process and after that the increase is small, and three equations were derived to predict the temperature distribution.


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