Peer-Review Policy
Based on the single-blind review, all contributions are evaluated by at least two independent referees, members of the Reviewers’ Board. After review, the manuscript is returned to the correspondent author to be revised and updated, in accordance with the recommendations made by the reviewers and the editor.
The authors can submit up to three well-written manuscripts, conforming to the Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle XII, Welding Equipment and Technology (AWET Journal) style and by revising and returning promptly the manuscripts. If, the author decides to withdraw the manuscript rather than to revise the paper, the Scientific Editor must be promptly notified. If the correspondent author does not respond within two months after he was informed on the evaluation results, the paper will be considered withdrawn and rejected. The correspondent authors are notified by e-mail if their manuscripts have or have not been accepted for publication. The authors are responsible for the scientific accuracy of their contributions.
The AWET Journal assumes no responsibility for the errors contained by the papers, including those that may be made in the copy-editing process, or in the conclusions summarized by authors.