Mărcile scriiturii eului în textele paleriene postdecembriste. Polimorfism și strategii ale „recuperării identitare

  • Andreea Roxana Sevastre
Keywords: the theme of identity, self-reflection, the search of the self, direct confession


In the post-revolutionary period, Octavian Paler vehemently asserts hisopinions about the new regime and especially his disappointment caused by the new government which he considers a mirror of the communist regime. This concern is visible in the articles published in "Romania Libera", and in two of his books (Don
Quixote in the East and Questions’ Time) volumes that reveal the identity theme. Selfanalysis is increasing especially in his recent books, illustrating a form of increasingly acute self-reflection. The books following the year 1989 mark a stage par excellence autobiographical. His works from the last two decades are under the sign of the search of the self that is subordinatedto allthe other themes. Self-analysis becomesdirect, the
post-revolutionary volumes actually forming an autobiographical series

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