Tipuri de discurs, strategii și metamorfoze ale căutării identității în scriitura paleriană din perioada totalitaristă. Parabola și mitul ca forme ale „rezistenței prin literatură”

  • Andreea Roxana Sevastre
Keywords: search of the self, indirect confession, subversive literature, interior exile


The works circumscribed to the period before December can be associated with the supra‐theme of the search of the self, because they can be considered ex cathedra ʺalternatives to a self‐portraitʺ (Ion Simut) in the center of his writings ranging the metaphor of the interior exile in a totalitarian world. Thus, in the period before 89,he chooses the strategies of subversive literature (parable, symbols, myth) to express discretely his pposition to the communist regime and its structures, to the ʺwire dancerʺ the writers were subjected to form the ʺnew manʺ. His works are marked by an indirect confession of a autobiography disguised in philosophical, ethical debates and also about mythology and art.

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