Metaforele obsedante din proza literară a lui Marin Preda

  • Ovidiu Marcu
Keywords: subconscious, obsessive metaphors, biography, recurrent images


Preda’s literary work can be interpreted as a huge open gate to the subconscious of the writer through which enter, from the world of his childhood and his formation as a man, the obsessive metaphors that hold in their center his father’s fascinating figure. Besides, Preda’s texts can be easily set into an extension of his biography , due to the fact that in many of them one can find, melted,scenes of family life seen in the restricted position of a community whose members are part of the same split humanity (Morometii) or as an extended reply at the community level (the village).

How to Cite
Marcu, O. “Metaforele Obsedante Din Proza Literară a Lui Marin Preda”. Comunicare Interculturală și Literatură / Communication Interculturelle Et Littérature, Vol. 24, no. 2, July 2018, pp. 136-44,