The Optimization of the Football Players' Agility Using the Data Provided by the Study of the Control Parameters by Means of the Modified Miron Georgescu Method
This paper presents the results of a study which wants to establish the importance that the control parameters (i.e. CVE – the coefficient of energetic fluctuation and CVS – the coefficient of structural fluctuation) has on the sport performances of the football players. The results depend on the innate qualities of the sportsmen and the assessment has a general character and can be useful to trainers in the future managing of the training. The scientific planning of the training has to use objective methods and means of highlighting the motric qualities, means of control and means of evaluating the results. These methods are useful for the management of the training process as well as for its individualization. The evaluation was made by means of the modified Miron Georgescu (MGM 15) test. The group under study contains twenty sportsmen, members of the Steaua Dunarii Galati football club; the sportsmen are sixteen years old. The conclusions of the study highlighted the fact that when the values of the control parameters are the best, the sportsmen’s results are much better, the sportsmen having a better agility and co-ordination. The study took place complying with the ethics and having the subjects’ agreement.
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