Comparative Study on the Development Level of Muscular Strength in the Female Students of the FSPE and the FACSEEE

  • George Dănuț Mocanu "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Keywords: muscle strength, motor skills, physical training, effort capacity, motility


One of the determining elements of motor ability at any age stage, i.e. muscle strength, and the methodology of its development are intensely discussed in the specialised literature of the field of the sport and physical education studies.
Considered by most specialists, besides coordinative ability as one of the main motor skill in producing movement, it is also decisive in the manifestation of the other conditional motor skills – especially speed and endurance-, to which it is often combined, and also it favorably influences the manifestation of flexibility, whose parallel development is optimal. One of the objectives of physical education at the level of higher education for the faculties whose specialty is not sport-related is “Optimizing the individual level of physical training, insisting on the motor skills considered as deficient”. Assessing the degree of the students’ physical training is important because of the strong conditioning it has with the superior-level
manifestation of the movement ability, actualized in the better adaptation to effort and the ease in applying the motor skills/ technical procedures specific to the sports branches practiced during the physical education lessons. The present study aims at comparing the development indices of various forms of strength manifestation and combinations, following a battery of tests, identical for the female students in the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education (FSPE) and the Faculty of Automatics, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering (FACSEEE). In the former case, according to the sports practised, the results are superior in most forms of
strength manifestation. In the latter case, the specific features of the specialty and the low number of classes allotted to physical education – only 1 hour per week- lead to weaker performance in the registered strength indices, the notable differences proving the educability level for this motor skill and the importance of the process of scientific training in reaching superior results.


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How to Cite
Mocanu, G. (2014) “Comparative Study on the Development Level of Muscular Strength in the Female Students of the FSPE and the FACSEEE”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 2. Available at: (Accessed: 13March2025).