Ascertaining Study on the Knowledge Level about the Effects of a Sedentary Life on the Human Body and the Fight against a Sedentary Life during Late Adolescence (18-22 Years)

  • Liliana Nanu Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
  • Cătălin Savu Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Keywords: sedentary lifestyle, late adolescence, students


This study is aimed at finding out the 18-22 year old teenagers' (students) opinions about their level of knowledge and information on the sedentary life and its effects on the human body, by the instrumentality of the questionnaire-type survey. When analyzing the main features of the everyday life evolution at present, we notice that sedentariness has become a lifestyle defined by the dominance of physical inactivity.
At the global level, according to the statistics provided by the World Health Organization, 60% of the population is sedentary; the first signals about the seriousness of this disease appeared in the '70 in the United States of America, when doctors noticed that millions of people encountered serious health and behavioural problems due to physical inactivity, mainly determined by the amount of time spent in front of the TV and more recently in front of the computer.
This aspect has become a very serious problem at present, as this sitting in front of the computer is still attracting individuals of various ages, particularly children and young people, that is the types of population that until recently had not been affected by „the Couch Potato Disease”, that most of the times is associated with obesity.


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How to Cite
Nanu, L. and Savu, C. (2015) “Ascertaining Study on the Knowledge Level about the Effects of a Sedentary Life on the Human Body and the Fight against a Sedentary Life during Late Adolescence (18-22 Years)”, Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management, 1, pp. 64-67. Available at: (Accessed: 14March2025).