Noise pollution maps in the perimeter of Galati main ports
Noise mapping is one of the modern methods of evaluation of urban acoustic pollution due to the presence of road traffic, rail traffic (train or tram), industrial noise and air traffic. A noise map is the map of an urban agglomeration or geographical area, coloured according to the noise level. Following the noise mapping, conflict maps are developed to set the noise levels for each noise source. Strategic noise maps are compiled taking into account the provisions of the Order of the Minister of the Environment no. 1830/2007 that
sets the guide on the development, analysis and evaluation of strategic noise maps. On the basis of the noise maps results, the strategy for human personnel protection in the areas where the maximum admissible limits are exceeded is established and a series of measures are implemented.
[2]. Strategic Plans for the Galati Port Development, CN APDM Galați 5 June 2015, CN APDM Galați Contract 206/01.10.2014,
[3]. Caiet de sarcini (Solicitare de Ofertă)– CN APDM Galaţi, 20.01.2017.
[4]. 2002/49 CE Directive, 25 June 2002
[5]. Good Practice Guide on Port Area Noise Mapping and Management, NoMEPorts
[6]. OM 1830/2007 pentru aprobarea „Ghidului privind realizarea, analizarea şi evaluarea hărţilor strategice de zgomot”
[7]. Standardul francez XP S31-133
[8]. OM 678/1344/915/1397 din 2006 pentru aprobarea „Ghidului privind metodele interimare de calcul a indicatorilor de zgomot pentru zgomotul produs de activităţile din zonele industriale, de traficul rutier, feroviar şi aerian din vecinătatea aeroporturilor”
[9]. CNAPDM - Harta GIS a Portului Mineralier, CNAPDM - Harta GIS a Portului Docuri, CNAPDM - Harta GIS a Portului Bazinul Nou